The Effects of the IAS/IFRS Adoption in the European Union on the Financial Industry
The European Union Review, Vol. 12, No. 1-2, 2007
48 Pages Posted: 30 Jan 2008 Last revised: 9 Oct 2009
The effect of disclosure level on the cost of equity is a matter of considerable interest and importance to the financial reporting community.
In this research, the effects of the IAS/IFRS adoption in Europe on the cost of equity capital relative to the bank industry have been examined.
Previous research has shown that the adoption of the IAS/IFRS reduces information asymmetry between investors and firms. Economic theory claims that a commitment to increased level of disclosure reduces the cost of capital component that arises from information asymmetries.
This study shows empirically that the increase in the level of disclosure provided by the adoption of the IAS/IFRS in the European Union by Regulation 1606/2002 has led effectively to a lower cost of capital. From a practical point of view, these findings provide evidence that the Regulator's purpose of fostering a cost-efficient functioning of the capital market for firms could be considered as accomplished. Furthermore, they point out that firms which implemented the IAS/IFRS have gained a comparative advantage on the equity market over firms still adopting accounting standards based on the IV and VII European Directives.
Keywords: International accounting standards, cost of equity, mandatory accounting changes, bank industry, capital markets, European Union regulation 1606/2002
JEL Classification: G12, G38, M41, M44, M45, M47
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation