Irreversible Investments and Ambiguity Aversion

27 Pages Posted: 20 Nov 2011 Last revised: 25 Jul 2017

See all articles by Álvaro Cartea

Álvaro Cartea

University of Oxford; University of Oxford - Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance

Sebastian Jaimungal

University of Toronto - Department of Statistics

Date Written: November 18, 2011


Real option valuation has traditionally been concerned with investment under project value uncertainty while assuming the agent has perfect confidence in a specific model. However, agents do not generally have perfect confidence in their model and this {\it ambiguity} affects their decisions. Moreover, real investments are not typically fully spanned by tradable assets--hence markets are inherently incomplete. In this work, we account for the agent's aversion to model ambiguity and address market incompleteness through the notation of {\it robust indifference prices}. We derive analytical results for the perpetual option to invest and the linear complementarity problem that the finite time problem satisfies. Ambiguity aversion is found to have dual effects that are similar, but distinct from risk aversion. Agent's are found to exercise options both earlier and later than their ambiguity neutral counterparts, depending on whether ambiguity stems from uncertainty in the investment or a hedging asset.

Keywords: Real Options, Ambiguity Aversion, Risk Aversion, Robust Optimal Control, Indifference Pricing


JEL Classification: D81, G31, G11

Suggested Citation

Cartea, Álvaro and Jaimungal, Sebastian, Irreversible Investments and Ambiguity Aversion (November 18, 2011). International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: or

Álvaro Cartea

University of Oxford ( email )

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Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4AU
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University of Oxford - Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance ( email )

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Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 6ED
United Kingdom

Sebastian Jaimungal (Contact Author)

University of Toronto - Department of Statistics ( email )

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Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3

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