To Green, or Not Too Green? The Environmental Impact of Conflict Management
Signal, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 10-14, Spring/Summer 2012
5 Pages Posted: 4 Nov 2012
Date Written: 2012
All professional endeavors incur environmental cost, and conflict management - well-intentioned though it is in a general sense - is no exception to this rule. The field of conflict management, as well as the planet, stands to gain by engaging with the question of what environmentally-sound practice of conflict management might be.
This short piece aims to raise the point for discussion in the conflict management field. It describes projects, from the worlds of online dispute resolution and online Track II initiatives in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which have (hitherto unnoted and unquantified) environmental advantages over more traditional approaches to the same work. The article then poses the question of what benefits - for the environment and for the conflict management field - might be accrued by conscious incorporation of environmental considerations at the project design and implmentation phases of conflict management work.
Keywords: conflict management, conflict, environment, environmental, green, ODR, online dispute resolution, online mediation, online communication, track II, Ebner
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