Gender and Judging in Portugal: Opinions and Perceptions

19 Pages Posted: 6 Sep 2016

See all articles by Madalena Duarte

Madalena Duarte

Universidade de Coimbra - Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice

Ana Oliveira

Universidade de Coimbra - Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice

Paula Fernando

Universidade de Coimbra - Centre for Social Studies (CES)

Date Written: August 30, 2016


English Abstract: In Portugal, the phenomenon of feminization of the legal professions is quite recent compared to other countries. The increasing predominance of women among magistrates ― judges and public prosecutors ― since 2006 has been overwhelming though. If, until 1974, the judiciary was forbidden to women, in 2015, from a total of 1990 judges in first instance courts, Appeal Courts and the Judicial Supreme Court and the Administrative Supreme Court, 1175 were women (59%). Within the Public Prosecution, 61% were women. The weight of women in the legal professions is visible, even, at the Centre for Judicial Studies, where 67,5% of the justice auditors, in 2014, were women. In this scenario, the aim of this article is to discuss the representations of the legal professionals, on the repercussions of this change to the judiciary and to the legal culture in Portugal.

Spanish Abstract: En Portugal, el fenómeno de la feminización de las profesiones jurídicas es bastante reciente en comparación con otros países. Sin embargo, el creciente predominio de mujeres entre los magistrados ― jueces y fiscales ― desde el año 2006 ha sido abrumador. Si, hasta 1974, las mujeres tenían prohibido el acceso al poder judicial, en 2015, de un total de 1990 jueces en los tribunales de primera instancia, tribunales de apelación y la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Tribunal Supremo Administrativo, 1175 eran mujeres (59%). Dentro de la fiscalía, el 61% eran mujeres. El peso de las mujeres en las profesiones jurídicas es visible, incluso, en el Centro de Estudios Judiciales, donde el 67,5% de los auditores de justicia, en 2014, eran mujeres. En este escenario, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar las representaciones de los profesionales del derecho sobre las consecuencias de este cambio en el poder judicial y en la cultura jurídica de Portugal.

Keywords: Legal Professions, Women, Gender and Judging, Professional Identity, Profesiones Jurídicas, Mujeres, Género y Justicia, Identidad Profesional


Suggested Citation

Duarte, Madalena and Oliveira, Ana and Fernando, Paula, Gender and Judging in Portugal: Opinions and Perceptions (August 30, 2016). Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 477-495, 2016, Available at SSRN:

Madalena Duarte (Contact Author)

Universidade de Coimbra - Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice ( email )

Apartado 3087
Coimbra, 3000-995

Ana Oliveira

Universidade de Coimbra - Permanent Observatory on Portuguese Justice ( email )

Apartado 3087
Coimbra, 3000-995

Paula Fernando

Universidade de Coimbra - Centre for Social Studies (CES) ( email )


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