Toward a Nonzero-Sum Approach to Resolving Global Intellectual Property Disputes: What We Can Learn from Mediators, Business Strategists, and International Relations Theorists

University of Cincinnati Law Review, Vol. 70, pp. 569-650, 2002

Cardozo Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 46

83 Pages Posted: 9 May 2002 Last revised: 8 May 2023

See all articles by Peter K. Yu

Peter K. Yu

Texas A&M University School of Law


Countries differ in terms of their levels of wealth, economic structures, technological capabilities, political systems and cultural tradition. No two countries have identical conditions, needs and aspirations. As a result, policymakers face different political pressures and make different value judgments as to what would best promote the creation and dissemination of intellectual works in their own countries. These uncoordinated judgments eventually result in a conflicting set of intellectual property laws around the world.

As countries become increasingly interdependent in this globalized economy, these conflicting laws create tensions and sometimes result in disputes. To minimize differences and prevent conflicts, countries use a variety of dispute resolution techniques, including self-help, coercion, mutual exchange of information, international agreements and multilateral regimes. Commentators generally analyze these techniques by focusing on the number of parties involved in resolving an intellectual property dispute. Using a unilateral-bilateral-multilateral trichotomy, commentators suggest that one can infer some general characteristics of a dispute resolution arrangement by counting the number of parties involved in resolving a conflict.

This Article argues that, although the unilateral-bilateral-multilateral trichotomy provides some helpful insights into the nature of a dispute resolution arrangement, it provides very limited information about the effectiveness and future prospects of that arrangement. Thus, the article proposes a new, but companion, analytical framework to examine intellectual property dispute resolution arrangements. Instead of focusing on the number of parties involved, this framework concentrates on the dispute resolution approach used to resolve the conflict. Drawing on the experiences of mediators, business strategists and international relations theorists, this article argues that the nonzero-sum approach is the most preferable means to resolve global intellectual property disputes.


Suggested Citation

Yu, Peter K., Toward a Nonzero-Sum Approach to Resolving Global Intellectual Property Disputes: What We Can Learn from Mediators, Business Strategists, and International Relations Theorists. University of Cincinnati Law Review, Vol. 70, pp. 569-650, 2002, Cardozo Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 46, Available at SSRN: or

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Texas A&M University School of Law ( email )

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