The Dynamics of the Permanent and Transitory Components in International Business Cycles

28 Pages Posted: 4 Sep 2005

See all articles by Shushanik Papanyan

Shushanik Papanyan

University of Texas at Arlington - College of Business Administration - Department of Economics

Date Written: September 2007


This paper proposes a generalized multivariate framework to measure the significance of common permanent and transitory components in international business cycle fluctuations. I employ a multivariate unobserved components model with Markov regime switching to investigate the nonlinear dynamics of permanent and transitory components that are common across G7 real GDP series. The common components are modeled to exhibit different behavior in the expansion and recession phases of international business cycles. I find that, in contrast to the individual country's business cycles, the international business cycle does not exhibit classical recession and expansion phases. The international permanent component has two phases: a high-growth phase and a low-growth phase, and there is no evidence of a Friedman's pluck type recessionary period in the international transitory component. The switch from a high-growth regime to a low-growth regime occurs in the second quarter of 1973. There are no further switches that occur from one regime to the other. Among the seven developed nations examined, Japan is the most sensitive and Germany is the least sensitive to international permanent shocks.

Keywords: Business cycle asymmetry, international business cycles, unobserved components model, state-space model, Markov switching, G7 countries

JEL Classification: C32, E32, F02, F43

Suggested Citation

Papanyan, Shushanik, The Dynamics of the Permanent and Transitory Components in International Business Cycles (September 2007). Available at SSRN: or

Shushanik Papanyan (Contact Author)

University of Texas at Arlington - College of Business Administration - Department of Economics ( email )

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