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4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Schulich School of Business, York University
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in Total Papers Citations
e-advocacy, hashtags, health, nonprofits, social media
microblogging, Twitter, social media, stakeholder relations, organizational communication, organization-public relations, nonprofit organizations, organizational messages, stakeholder engagement, social networking
Nonprofit organizations, strategic management, information technology, IT, charity, NGO
nonprofit advocacy, social media, Twitter, Facebook, new media, Internet, organizational communication, public relations, nonprofit organizations, charities
charitable contributions, crowdfunding, donations, Facebook, fundraising, giving, Internet, small donors, social media, social networking sites, nonprofit organizations, charities
New media, social media, accounting, capital markets, finance, investors, communication, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs
crowdsourcing, outsourcing, e-business, social web, social media, advanced Internet technologies, Web 2.0
brand awareness, brand engagement, content curation, Pinterest, social curation, social media marketing, word of mouth
social media, new media, Facebook, nonprofit organizations, stakeholder relations, organizational communication, 关键词, 社交媒体, 新兴媒体, 非营利组织, '脸书', 公众关系, 组织沟通
donations, charities, nonprofits, signaling theory, social media
Social Media, Twitter, Vocal Advocacy, Online Engagement, Situational Theory of Publics, Social Marketing, Nonprofit Organizations, Charities
social media, Facebook, nonprofits, nonprofit organizations, stakeholder relations, public relations, accountability, dialogue, marketing
nonprofit management, nonprofit organizations, stakeholder participation
stakeholder relations, stakeholder communication, new media, websites, nonprofit organizations, organizational communication, organization-public relations
Big Data, communication networks, firm-to-investor communication, information environment, investor-to-investor communication, social media, Twitter
blogs, economics, financial markets, knowledge production, information asymmetry, information environment, media effects, stock prices, new media
financial accountability, voluntary disclosure, financial reporting, web disclosure, not-for-profit medical institutions, nonprofit organizations, electronic disclosure, organizational communication, internet financial reporting
Accountability, new media, Website, nonprofit organizations, community foundations, Internet, financial reporting, voluntary disclosure, organizational communication
voluntary disclosure, Internet financial reporting, nonprofit organizations, donations, charitable contributions, non-financial disclosure, performance disclosure
stakeholder engagement, social networking, nonprofit organizations, Twitter, social media
Advocacy, Nonprofit Organizations, Participation, Representation
social media, new media, nonprofit organizations, Facebook, Twitter, technology adoption and use, diffusion of innovation, dialogue, organization-public relations, charities, NGOs, not-for-profit
advocacy, attention, nonprofit organizations, social media, Twitter
Protest, rebellion, domestic conflict, Spain, nationalism, ethnic conflict
Responsiveness, Internet, Nonprofit Organizations, Community Foundations, New Media, Websites
analytics, Big Data, communication, CSR reporting, machine learning, reputation, social media
Immigration, immigrants, public opinion, comparative politics
Corporate reputation, Corporate social responsibility, CSR, CSR communication, Signaling theory, Social media
National Center for Charitable Statistics, Social Capital Community Benchmaking Survey, IRS Business Master Files, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Community organizations, Not-for-profit organizations, Social capital, Startups
voluntary disclosure, nonprofit organizations, donations, charitable giving, game theory, organizational communication, strategic communication
Proposition 13, public administration, local governments, fiscal constraints, home rule
Big Data, Data Analytics, Resources, Social Capital, Social Media, Social Networks
Organizational Communication, Voluntary Disclosure, Nonprofit Organizations, Donations, Prosocial Behavior, Game Theory, Organization-Public Relations, Charities, Donors
crowdfunding, CMC, Duchenne smile, impression management, micro-finance, new media, nonprofit organizations, peer-to-peer lending, prosocial behavior, self presentation, social lending, visual communication
Accounting, institutionalization, professional change, professional identity, social media, websites
public management, partnerships, networked world
social accountability, social media, Panama Papers, Big Data and Quantitative Methods, Accounting Interventions, Twitter
stakeholder communication, new media, social media, Twitter, nonprofit organizations, social capital
firm response, corporate social responsibility (CSR), social media, diffused stakeholders, connective power, urgency
accountants, ethics, professional behavior
Nonprofit, executive compensation, taxation of nonprofits
service learning, quality of life, Rochester
Big Data, Financial Inscriptions, #PanamaPapers, Social Accountability, Social Media, Tax Avoidance
executive compensation, nonprofit organizations, perquisites
nationalism, ethnic conflict, nationalist conflict, protest, rebellion, domestic conflict
nonprofit management, social capital, social media, stakeholder engagement, Twitter
citizenship arenas, citizen voice, ethical narratives, #OccupyWallStreet, social accountability, social media
nationalism, ethnic conflict, protest, rebellion, social movements, domestic conflict
audience engagement, AIDS, Facebook, health messages, social media
nationalism, ethnic conflict, nationalist conflict, protest, rebellion
Accounting ethics, Charities, Nonprofits, Regulation, Sarbanes–Oxley
COVID-19, Paycheck Protection Program, Nonprofit Organizations, Financial Obligations
accounting, Panama Papers, social media, social accountability, stakeholders, whistleblowing
CEO communication, corporate reputation management, organization-public relations, social media controversy, stock market reaction, strategic communication
images, diffusion, social networks, Twitter