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Kardeljeva ploscad 5
Ljubljana, 1000
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
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Valuation formulas, real estate appraisal, internal rate of return
Marx, Marxism, capitalism, socialism, economic democracy
double-entry accounting, debits, credits, multi-dimensional accounting
Property rights, responsibility, appropriation
migration, development, brain drain
adjoint functors, universal models, selectionist mechanisms, category theory
labor theory of property, responsibility, imputation principle, appropriation, whole product, labor theory of value
Kaldor-Hicks, Chicago School, wealth maximization, cost-benefit analysis
inalienable rights, Rawls, Nozick, liberal theories of justice
quantum mechanics, double-slit experiment, polarization analyzer
deliberative democracy, Kant, Mill, Dewey, workplace democracy
Theory of property; appropriation; invisible hand; responsibility principle, Hume, Locke, employment relation, inalienability of responsible agency
Property appropriation, capital rights, ownership of the firm, labor-managed firm
Goodwill, property rights, going-concern contractual position
Property appropriation, invisible hand mechanism, responsibility, convex duality
Jane Jacobs, development, migration, spin-offs
double-entry method, group of differences, Pacioli group, T-accounts, multi-dimensional double-entry bookkeeping
Inalienable rights, Rawls, Nussbaum, A Theory of Justice, Frontiers of Justice
Employment contract, corporate governance, workplace democracy
Wall Street capitalism, responsibility principle, absentee ownership, logic of exit, logic of commitment
classical liberalism, jurisprudence, inalienable rights
corporations, limited liability, Citizens United, affected interests, stakeholders, democratic firms
Enterprise Development & Reform, Public Health Promotion, Banks & Banking Reform, Health Monitoring & Evaluation, Small Scale Enterprise, Health Monitoring & Evaluation, Banks & Banking Reform, Small Scale Enterprise, Microfinance, Private Participation in Infrastructure
exit, voice, commitment, series-parallel duality. institutional design
Evolution, dynamic efficiency, parallel experimentation
employment contract, democratic firm, inalienable rights
entrepreneurship, Jane Jacobs, job creation
Information theory, Shannon entropy, Logical entropy
information theory, Shannon's entropy, logical entropy, logic of partitions
inalienable rights, employment contract, pactum subjectionis, coverture marriage contract
labor theory of property, responsibility principle, workplace democracy
Liberalism, inalienable rights, charter cities, startup cities, James Buchanan
alternative logics, partition logic, subset logic
entropy, information theory, partition logic
employment relation, corporations, employee ownership
Worker Cooperatives; Juridical Principle of Imputing Responsibility; Democratic Theory
partition logic, subset logic, duality, logical information theory, quantum mechanics
Series-Parallel Duality, Six functions of one, financial valuation
Kaldor-Hicks criterion, wealth maximization, efficiency, equity, law and economics, cost-benefit analysis
marginal productivity theory, labor theory of property, "labor question"
Kaldor-Hicks principle, wealth maximization law & economics, consumers and producers surpluses
category theory, cognitive science, brain, universals
capital accounts, participative management, spin-offs
classical and quantum logical information theory
quantum mechanics, partition logic
Arrow-Debreu, Contractual nature of residual claimancy, competitive equilibrium with positive profits, non-ownership of production sets
category theory, adjoint functors, Bourbaki, Grothendieck, universal mapping properties
Labour Theory of Property, Power Relations, Employment System of Renting Persons, Marxism, Theories of Exploitation, The Corporate Legal Form
logic of partitions, Boolean logic of subsets
Envisioning Real Utopias, worker cooperatives, Marxism, labor theory of value, G.A. Cohen
Universals, Category Theory, Plato's Theory of Forms, Set Theoretic Antinomies, Universal Mapping Properties
Chomsky language-acquisition faculty, selectionism, partition logic
cognitive science, category theory, perception, action, heteromorphisms
adjoint functors, brain functors, mathematical cognitive science
category theory, universals, Platonic philosophy, logic, set theory paradoxes
quantum mechanics over Z2, Logic of quantum mechanics, modal quantum theory
logical entropy, Shannon entropy
quantum mechanics, objective indefiniteness, partitions
quantum logic, direct-sum decompositions, q-analogs
category theory, canonical maps, elements & distinctions
logical entropy, Shannon entropy, partitions, MaxEntropy, quantum logical entropy, von Neumann entropy
Probability theory, quantum mechanics, objective indefiniteness, superposition
marginal productivity theory; property theory; imputation of responsibility
ownership of the means of production, fundamental myth, employment relation, Classical Liberalism, Karl Marx, Frank Knight, contractual lifetime servitude, inalienable rights, Capitalism
logical entropy, Shannon entropy, logical information theory, partition logic
Common ownership, Yugoslav self-managed firms, Janus shares, mule firms, ESOPs. JEL: P13, P51
logical entropy, qudits of an observable, logic of partitions
logical entropy, quantum logical entropy, Von Neumann entropy, distinctions, coherences
subset–partition duality, logics of subsets and partitions, category-theory duality, logical entropy, quantum mechanics, objective indefiniteness
mathematics of quantum mechanics, partitions, equivalence relations, vector spaces over ℤ2, objective indefiniteness, indistinguishability
objective indefiniteness in QM, wave-particle duality, Shimony, partition logic, logical information theory
Routledge Handbook of Cooperative Economics & Management democratic firms, worker cooperatives, Cooperative ESOP, property rights, personal rights, gradual conversions JEL: P13, J54, G30, B55, Cooperatives, ESOPs, Gradual worker buyouts
Partitions, objective indefiniteness, math of QM
superposition, indefiniteness, support sets, partitions, two-slit experiment Table of Contents
Coverture Marriage, Human Trafficking, Inalienable Rights, Kant's Personhood Principle, Pacts of Subjection, Perpetual Servitude, Voluntary Slavery
Subset-partition duality, logics of subsets and partitions, category-theory duality, logical entropy, objective indefiniteness, selectionist and generative mechanisms
Cooperatives, worker cooperatives, employment contracts, democratic governance, personal rights, property rights