Affective Intuition and Task-Contingent Affect Regulation

38 Pages Posted: 23 Aug 2005

See all articles by Joel Cohen

Joel Cohen

University of Florida - Warrington College of Business Administration

Eduardo B. Andrade

Imperial College Business School


Mood influences cognitive activity and behavior in systematic ways. Since such affective contingencies are repeatedly and broadly experienced, they should be available for learning and possibly conscious introspection. We examine the role of such intuitive theories in guiding affect regulation in a series of four studies and show that even suboptimal hedonic adjustments (i.e., preferences for the negative pole of the affective spectrum such as negative mood maintenance) were deliberately chosen in an attempt to match cognitive requirements of forthcoming tasks. We contrast affect discrepancy and strength of signal hypotheses to explain how affect regulation goals are activated.

Keywords: Affect regulation, mood, emotion, goals

JEL Classification: M39

Suggested Citation

Cohen, Joel and Andrade, Eduardo B., Affective Intuition and Task-Contingent Affect Regulation. Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 31, September 2004, Available at SSRN:

Joel Cohen

University of Florida - Warrington College of Business Administration ( email )

Gainesville, FL 32611
United States

Eduardo B. Andrade (Contact Author)

Imperial College Business School ( email )

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