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269 Mercer Street
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New York University - Department of Economics
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Poverty reduction, structural adjustment, economic growth
Economic Growth, Factor Accumulation, Total Factor Productivity, Increasing Returns
foreign aid, growth, policy
Growth, Economic Development, Political Economy, Institutions, Economic Policy, Ethnic Conflict, Genocide
economic growth, economic development, national policies
economic development, foreign aid, poverty traps
economic development, poverty trap, foreign aid
human development, millennium development goals, poverty, foreign aid, Africa
Monetary policy, Fiscal Policy, Budget Deficits, Economic Growth, Balance of Payments
adjustment loan, IMF, World Bank, foreign aid
Structural adjustment, Macroeconomic stability, National policies, Economic growth, World bank, IMF
economic development, geographic endowments, institutions
Foreign Aid, Best Practices, Transparency, Bureaucracy, Incentives
Political institutions, social cohesion, poverty, economic policy
Markets and Market Access, Economic Theory & Research, Access to Markets, Airports and Air Services, Tax Law
Technology adoption, technology history, economic development
fiscal policy, public debt, budget deficits, economic growth
strategic interdependence, racial segregation, inequality, economic development
Public Sector Expenditure Analysis & Management, Public Sector Economics & Finance, Investment and Investment Climate, Economic Stabilization, Fiscal Adjustment
Institutions, Human Capital, Political Economy, Natural Resources
Economic development, mass killings, genocide, democracy
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Mass killings, democracy, growth
Africa, economic development, investment
International development, economic development, foreign aid, developing countries, developing world, innovation, poverty, poverty eradication, Africa
Economic growth, policy reforms, economic stagnation, debt crisis