Dentistry Research Network

Dentistry Preprints

The field of Dentistry focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions occurring in the oral cavity and related structures. The Dentistry Research Network on SSRN is an open access preprint server that provides a venue for authors to showcase their research, speeding up dissemination and providing the scientific community access to groundbreaking working papers, early-stage research, clinical research, and even peer reviewed or published journal articles. SSRN provides the opportunity to share different outputs of research such as preprints, preliminary or exploratory investigations, book chapters, PhD dissertations, course and teaching materials, presentations, and posters among others. SSRN also helps scholars discover the latest research in their own and other fields of interest while providing a platform for the early sharing of their own work, making it available for subsequent work to be built upon more quickly.

The Dentistry Research Network includes research related to dental education, craniofacial anomalies, dental public health, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and dental pharmacology among others. It also interacts and overlaps with other areas of scholarship on SSRN including biology, chemistry, economics, law, and physics to help researchers uncover new treatments and develop new diagnostic techniques and medical devices that will improve outcomes in dental healthcare.

Many of the papers included in the Dentistry Research Network are preprints: early-stage research papers that have not been peer-reviewed. The findings should not be used for clinical or public health decision making and should not be presented to a lay audience without highlighting that they are preliminary and have not been peer-reviewed.

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Dentistry Papers