This new preprint series for sharing non-peer-reviewed, early stage health and medical research is part of a six-month collaboration pilot between SSRN and The Lancet family of journals. Authors of all research papers submitted to any The Lancet family journal have been asked at submission whether they would like their paper to be posted as a preprint, an opt-in that all co-authors must agree to. Papers will be subject to SSRN's usual checks, as well as an additional The Lancet specific check. Authors can also submit their papers directly through SSRN. For more information please visit The Lancet.
Journal of Web Semantics First Look
The Journal of Web Semantics First Look provides rapid, early, and open access to evolving scholarly research by sharing accepted versions of the papers that will be published in the journal. This First Look is part of our new Computer Science Research Network. The Journal of Web Semantics is an interdisciplinary journal based on research and applications of various subject areas that contribute to the development of knowledge-intensive and intelligent service Web.
Cell Press Sneak Peek
Sneak Peek, now hosted on SSRN, is an author opt-in preview of the papers under review in Cell Press primary research journals. Cell Press is a leading publisher of scientific research and reviews in life, physical, and earth sciences. With a commitment to improving scientific communication, Cell Press combines the highest-quality science with innovations in technology and publishing practices.
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Two New SSRN Research Networks
We are proud to introduce two new SSRN research networks: the Medical Research Network (MedRN) and the Computer Science Research Network (CompSciRN).
Dedicated to early stage research sharing, both networks also provide First Look collaborations with journals; MedRN with Preprints with The Lancet and CompSciRN with Journal of Web Semantics.
... more exciting news
Announcing First Look
First Look is a place where journals and other research experts identify content of interest prior to publication. It can include a wide range of early stage content types including working papers, proceedings, preprints, accepted papers, and papers under consideration. First Look is a partnership between SSRN and some of the world’s most influential journals to provide rapid, early, and open access to evolving scholarly research.
Preprints with The Lancet
We are proud to introduce two new SSRN research networks: the Medical Research Network (MedRN) and the Computer Science Research Network (CompSciRN).
Dedicated to early stage research sharing, both networks also provide First Look collaborations with journals; MedRN with Preprints with The Lancet and CompSciRN with Journal of Web Semantics.
... more exciting news
Announcing First Look
First Look is a place where journals and other research experts identify content of interest prior to publication. It can include a wide range of early stage content types including working papers, proceedings, preprints, accepted papers, and papers under consideration. First Look is a partnership between SSRN and some of the world’s most influential journals to provide rapid, early, and open access to evolving scholarly research.
Preprints with The Lancet