Experimental Research in Management Accounting (EXRIMA): Conference + Summer School

Conference dates

03 Jul 2025 - 04 Jul 2025


Bayreuth, Germany


AIMS AND SCOPE: The Experimental Research in Management Accounting (EXRIMA) Conference aims at bringing together experimental researchers in the field of management accounting from all over the world. The conference focus on a single research method and a single subject results in highly valuable feedback. A limited number of papers is accepted for presentation to allow for in-depth discussion by the discussant assigned to each paper as well as sufficient room for interaction with the audience. The conference atmosphere also supports networking.

CONFERENCE CHAIRS: Conference Chairs are Laura Wang (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA), Thorsten Knauer (Bochum, Germany), Friedrich Sommer (Bayreuth, Germany), and Arnt Wöhrmann (Giessen, Germany)

SPONSOR: Support of the EXRIMA by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA®), together with AICPA® as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, is gratefully acknowledged.

SUBMISSION and REGISTRATION: The conference organizers are open to all experiment-based studies within the broad area of management accounting, including (but not limited to) the following topics: cost accounting, budgeting, cost management, performance measurement, governance, organizational controls, incentives and compensation, etc. Only full papers can be submitted via e-mail to organizers@exrima.org. The deadline for submissions is March 30, 2025. Decision letters will be sent by April 15, 2025. The participation fee including lunch, coffee breaks, and conference dinner is 200 €. Non-presenters are welcome and can register via e-mail to organizers@exrima.org. The number of attendees is, however, limited.

WEBSITE: For more information on the conference go to https://www.exrima.org/conference

SUMMER SCHOOL: Doctoral students and young post-doctoral researchers may also participate in the preceding workshop by Laura Wang. For more information on this workshop go to https://www.exrima.org/summerschool