Gratitude and Generosity: Two Keys to Success and Happiness
15 Pages Posted: 20 Feb 2014
Date Written: February 18, 2014
Happiness has become a serious area of research in many disciplines including psychology, economics, education, and business. There is a growing body of research showing a significant relationship between gratitude and happiness. Practicing gratitude and generosity are important for all who seek true happiness. In fact, teaching children to show gratitude enhances learning and reduces the prevalence of mental health problems such as depression.
Keywords: Happiness, gratitude, gratitude journal, generosity, depression, positive psychology, pay-it-forward.
JEL Classification: A22, A23, D81, G18, G21, K4, I20, L20, L21, M1, M3, M5, M14, M19, M31, N4, Q20, Q38,
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation