Quality in Accounting Graduates: Employer Expectations of the Graduate Skills in the Bachelor of Accounting Degree

European Scientific Journal,11(22),165-180

16 Pages Posted: 20 Nov 2017

Date Written: 2015


This study investigated the accounting knowledge and skills desired by employers and their level of satisfaction with skills demonstrated by entry level accounting graduates. Results of survey research involving thirty-five accounting employers indicate that computing techniques, written communication, and reporting skills are required by employers. In contrast, employers perceive accounting graduates to be highly skilled in measurement skills, reporting skills, and research skills. Furthermore, as far as technological skills are concerned, employers indicated that the students are better trained in word-processing and knowledge of communications software skills, yet employers expect more knowledge of accounting packages and spreadsheet competencies for entry level graduates. The results provide useful information for academics and administrators that are making changes to their curricula.

Keywords: Employer Expectations, Graduate Skills, Technological Skills, Accounting Education


JEL Classification: M41

Suggested Citation

Sithole, Seedwell T.M., Quality in Accounting Graduates: Employer Expectations of the Graduate Skills in the Bachelor of Accounting Degree (2015). European Scientific Journal,11(22),165-180, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3073025

Seedwell T.M. Sithole (Contact Author)

University of Tasmania ( email )

Sandy Bay TAS
Hobart, NSW 7005

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