COMM-AN Opinion Mining of Customer Feedback
5 Pages Posted: 22 Apr 2019
Date Written: April 9, 2019
Product reviews have now moved to the online platforms, also the sheer amount of reviews since the past few years has skyrocketed. It is impossible to read and get the overall view of what the customer feels about a product. The idea of this project is to take over this time-consuming job of examining the data fetched and unearthing the underlying meanings of the data. This will be done by first gathering the data, cleaning/pre-processing the data, clustering of data and finally representing the yield in a diagrammatic/graphical format. We aim to design this project for the creators, developers, and producers not for the customers browsing through site(s).
Keywords: Natural Language Processing(NLP), Corpus, Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modelling, Data Term Matrix
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