Innovative synergy CCUS and renewable energy project offshore Baltic using CO2 emissions from the cement industry

11 Pages Posted: 26 Mar 2021

See all articles by Kazbulat Shogenov

Kazbulat Shogenov

Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology (TalTech DG); SHOGenergy; SHOGenergy

Alla Shogenova

Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology; SHOGenergy

Date Written: March 25, 2021


The concept of techno–ecological synergy of CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) project with different eco-friendly renewable energy recovery technologies, which support circular economy targets, is presented for the first time. The upgraded concept of the CCUS project includes five innovative elements of techno–ecological synergy: (1) CO2 Geological Storage, (2) Geothermal energy recovery during CO2 geological storage, (3) Using CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery, (4) solar energy and (5) wind energy recovery. This concept should maximize efficiency, minimize the carbon footprint of the full-chain CCUS process and demonstrate “winx” situation (where “x” is a number of additional benefits of the project). In the current study we demonstrated an example of the project supporting a win-win-win-win situation (that is, a win-win scenario with a minimum of four potential outcomes) or win4 situation: (1) greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) reduction, (2) economic profitability, (3) increased CO2 storage capacity and (4) public acceptance. It is planned to capture, transport and isolate 175.2 Mt CO2 from the atmosphere produced by Estonian Kunda Nordic Tsement plant and Eesti Power Plant, Latvian TEC-2 Power Plant and Lithuanian Akmene Cement plant during 30 years of the project duration. Captured CO2 will be transported by pipelines and ships. The estimated total transport distance for all emissions from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania together by pipelines and ships is 1143.5 km. We considered drilling six wells: three injection wells, two recovery wells for oil and geothermal energy and one monitoring well. Small wind offshore floating plant will be installed around the rig and solar panels will cover all available free surfaces of the rig. Produced solar, wind and geothermal energy will be added to the project electricity net to cover energy needs of the project, e.g. CO2 injection, fluids recovery, CO2 separation and reinjection, and for selling energy outside the project to the electric grid. Our Baltic offshore scenario is ambitious and innovative, considering proposed new technologies, synergy with renewable energy, eco-friendly techno–ecological synergy, large storage capacity and included cluster of emission sources from the cement industry and energy production from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. These all listed facts make this concept unique and pioneer in the region and in the CCUS and GHGE field of study.

Keywords: CO2 geological storage; CO2 use; CO2 transport; greenhouse gas emissions reduction; renewable energy; geothermal energy recovery; enhanced oil recovery; Baltic offshore, cement industry emissions, wind energy, solar energy, techno–ecological synergy


Suggested Citation

Shogenov, Kazbulat and Shogenova, Alla, Innovative synergy CCUS and renewable energy project offshore Baltic using CO2 emissions from the cement industry (March 25, 2021). Available at SSRN: or

Kazbulat Shogenov (Contact Author)

Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology (TalTech DG) ( email )

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SHOGenergy ( email )

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SHOGenergy ( email )

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Alla Shogenova

Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology ( email )

Ehitajate tee 5
Tallinn, 19086
+372 56644668 (Phone)

SHOGenergy ( email )

Pae 17A
Tallinn, 11414
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