Vagueness in Artificial Intelligence: The ‘Fuzzy Logic’ of AI-Related Patent Claims
Forthcoming in Digital Society: Ethics, Socio-Legal and Governance of Digital Technology, Springer
33 Pages Posted: 3 May 2022 Last revised: 16 Dec 2022
Date Written: February 28, 2022
Artificial Intelligence is an emerging technology with an average growth rate of 64,70% in patent filings worldwide and 39,71% in Europe between 2015 and 2019, according to Espacenet queries. This trend has raised several concerns regarding the implications for Intellectual Property rights, including disclosure, which is one of the main components justifying the existence of the patent system. Despite its importance, this requirement has been disputed due to certain tendencies that distort the functions that the act of disclosure fulfils, such as promoting innovation, research, or teaching. With Artificial Intelligence-related patents being granted, the disclosure requirement is once again compromised, and perhaps even more due to the particularities that this branch of technology entails. In this sense, one main concern lies in the question of how Artificial Intelligence-related patents should be disclosed, as well as the fulfilment of this requirement. To this aim, two case studies are conducted to show the heterogeneity of compliance with this requirement, focusing on patents filed at the European Patent Office.
Keywords: Sufficiency of disclosure; Artificial Intelligence; Patent claims; Vagueness.
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